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Sun Potion Journal

Transformational Foods for a Transformational Life

Welcome to the journal - an online, intersectional wellness platform - to connect, educate and inspire our international community.

I love your products and want something for a friend who is 65 and is told she has the worst aged tear glands which make her eyes incredibly dry.. And the drops available don't work any more. Thought you might have some suggestion... Thanks in advance

I would be happy to suggest a product that may support eye health and overall well-being for your friend. I recommend Triphala, an Ayurvedic extract comprised of three Indian fruits. This adaptogen is often used to support digestion, but studies also show it may support eye health and nourish them as well. This can be added to warm water or tea, starting with 1/4-1/2 tsp. in the evening. Triphala in a Calendula tea (which also supports dry eyes) would be an extra effort in creating an "eye and vision health" tonic!  Feel free to add a dollop of raw honey or ghee to this tonic.

I'm a busy mum who is suffering from panic attacks.. any particular products you would recommend?

Hi there busy mum, we would love to help you choose some products to support panic attacks, anxiety and stress. There are three adaptogens/tonic herbs that really come to mind here- the first, our Queen Healer mushroom Reishi. Reishi is reputed to support stress, anxiety and the nervous system. It is a great medicinal mushroom to begin with. Additionally, I recommend looking more into He Shou Wu and Ashwagandha*. You could try a tonic with all three or just start with Reishi! *(note, Ashwagandha will be returning to next week) If you do begin to add one of these tonic herbs/adaptogens to your routine, and have any specific questions- please reach out to us at

Hi there! I recently received my blood work and I’m very low testosterone and progesterone. I’m 34, female and have been seemingly exhausted lately. Any advice or elixirs would be much appreciate :)

Hi! I would be happy to recommend some products for you to support healthy hormone levels. I would look at: Green Adaptogen, Pine Pollen and Ashwagandha. You can combine these all or just start with one! Pine Pollen may be the best starting point, or Yin Power is an option too which contains Pine Pollen and other hormone supportive adaptogens. You can add one or more of these to coffee, tea, a blended tonic and h20. Hope this is helpful for you!

Hi there. I'm currently suffering from high anxiety, depression and very sluggish digestion. Do you happen to suggest any particular elixirs that can assist?

We would love to point you the direction for adaptogens and tonic herbs that may support anxiety, stress and digestion.  The products to look closer at: Reishi (for anxiety and stress levels) He Shou Wu (nervous system tonic) Mucuna Pruriens (for mood support) Triphala (for digestion) Moringa (for digestion)   You could make a morning tonic with Mucuna Pruriens and He Shou Wu and/or Moringa - simply can add 1/2 tsp. of each to coffee, tea, a blended tonic or warm water For an evening tonic you can try: 1/2 tsp. Triphala 1/2 tsp. Reishi Add to a calming tea like chamomile or just warm water with some raw honey

I’m a full time student, full time nanny and am working through a break-up (yikes). What do you recommend for brain health? Or a mood enhancer/ brain fog clearer?

Hey there! You are busy, wow! We know this can be a rough moment. Let us help you through it as much as we can...with tonic herbs! For mood, we love including Mucuna Pruriens into our tonics. It contains 15% L-Dopa, a direct precursor to dopamine so that is really amazing for supporting mood and mental clarity! You can also try our bliss alchemy blend, Anandamide which contains Reishi and Mucuna Pruriens, wonderful adaptogens for brain fog, mood and supporting overall well-being. Another great product to try for brain health, cognitive function and immune support is Lion's Mane! Try this: make some coffee or tea in the am, and add 1/2 tsp. Mucuna and Reishi to your tonic OR make it a little more exciting and warm up a plant based milk on the stove and add 1-2 tbsp. of Anandamide and 1/2 tsp. Lion's Mane to your simmering milk and a dollop of raw honey and enjoy a cosmic, adaptogenic cacao elixir.

Help with lifelong insomnia. I’ve tried everything else.

Hi there... oof, sleeping is so important and when you're unable to do so effectively, we know it can affect all areas of daily life. While we are not herbalists, and consulting one may be best as everyone has a unique experience- based on our knowledge of the herbs and adaptogens we recommend looking further into: Ashwagandha and Reishi, which would be great in Chamomile tea with some raw honey or ghee.  You can incorporate this tonic into your evening routine 1/2 tsp. Ashwagandha 1/2 tsp. Reishi 1 tbsp. raw honey or ghee (the fats, alongside the herbs before bed may aid in sound sleeping) Add the herbs to your favorite mug and then add the tea and raw honey/ghee, stir well, sip and try to relax. 

Can you tell me which of your potions assist with fertility in both women and men. Thank you!

Hi there, we are glad you asked! Some adaptogens and tonic herbs to look at for supporting fertility in both men and women are: Cordyceps, Pine Pollen, Polyrachis Ant or our Yin Power blend which contains: Organic Reishi Mushroom, Wild harvested He Shou Wu Extract, Wild harvested Pearl Powder, Tocos, Organic Ashwagandha Extract, Wild harvested Pine Pollen, Wild harvested Astragalus Extract, Organic Shatavari. You could prepare a tonic for two to support fertility~ 1 tsp. Yin Power 1/2 tsp. Pine Pollen 1/2 tsp. Polyrachis Ant 1 tsp. turmeric  12 oz. warm water (or favorite tea as the base, Ginger tea tastes great for this recipe) 1 cup plant based milk combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or shake well serve into two cups and enjoy!

Do you recommend a teacher or a school I could learn more about why and how to properly incorporate these herbs, mushrooms, and foods in to my diet?

Hey there, thanks for asking! We know that the world of adaptogens, medicinal mushrooms and tonic herbs contain centuries of history, usage, knowledge, rituals and more and can be a lot to wrap your mind around. Good news, there are some great places and resources to learn more about these plants. For websites to learn about studies of the herbs, the National Institute of Health has some amazing trials to read about from people who used tonic herbs over a course of time. Also, every product page on shares research on that herb, in the category "resources." Now lets talk about the BOOKS. Here is a list of just (some) of our favorite books about herbalism and Ayurveda.  BOOKS (as teachers) The Web That Has No Weaver The China Study Healing with Whole Foods The Healing Practice of Qi Nourishing Destiny Ayurveda (Idiot's Guide) ...on Whole Beauty The Ayurveda Encyclopedia  For teachers and schools, the books are a great place to start. Of course there are also herbalism schools in the US and abroad that can support further understanding of this vast, complex and beautiful study. 

I want to start using Sun Potion but am confused by all the products. Where should I start for energy, mood and good health?

Hi there, we are glad you asked where to start and we can help! For energy, take a further look at: Matcha, Cordyceps, He Shou Wu, Rhodiola For mood, check out: Mucuna Pruriens, Lion's Mane and Reishi For good health, really any adaptogen or tonic herb would be great to start with, such as Chlorella or a blend like Yin Power or Anandamide to begin! You can try adding a 1/2 tsp. of one of these in your coffee, tea or blended tonic and see how you feel. These adaptogens work best by consuming small amounts over a long period of time. If you ever have more questions, you can always reach out to and we can help!

Dear Sun Potion, Any suggestions to support healing from anxiety and/or depression?? Much gratitude xx

Hi there, we know healing from anxiety and depression can be a process and there are tonic herbs that work to support us in these times. You can take a further look into a few products that can be combined in a tonic or just start with one if you'd like. Reishi, Ashwagandha, Mucuna Pruriens and Anandamide are all a good place to start. You could even make a medicinal hot cacao drink using the mood-boosting anandamide with an extra dash of Mucuna Pruriens which all about supporting our emotional well-being, alongside the others mentioned. Try this: 1 tbsp. Anandamide 1/4 tsp. Reishi 1 tbsp. Tocos 8 oz. cashew or oat milk, warm Method Heat the milk on the stove (any plant based one you enjoy), just lightly simmering and add the herbs at the low heat, whisk together until combined and serve in your most cherished mug. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon or cardamom.