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Agaricus Blazei (Organic)




Active Adaptogenic Blend


Ashwagandha (Wildcrafted)

Ayurvedic Adaptogen


Astragalus (Wildcrafted)

The Great Protector


Chaga Mushroom Powder (Wildcrafted)

King Healer Mushroom


Cordyceps Mushroom Powder (Organic)

Active Adaptogen


Eucommia (Wildcrafted)

Strengths & Flexibility


He Shou Wu (Wildcrafted)

Rejuvenation Tonic


Lion's Mane (Organic) 100 grams

Mind Power Mushroom


Mason Pine Pollen (Wildcrafted)

Longevity & Aphrodisia


Moringa Leaf Powder (Organic)

Miracle Leaf


Pearl Powder (sustainable, freshwater)

Beauty + Spirit Tonic


Reishi (Organic) - Travel Ally Edition

Queen Healer Mushroom

$57.00  $34.20

The Phoenix Transcendent Elixir



White Dragon Matcha

Ceremonial Grade Green Tea Powder