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This beautiful galette is filled with stone fruit, drizzled with Bio-Active Honey and cradled in a Yin Power infused crust for a satisfying treat. The end result is so delicious and perfect to share with friends!

A note from Sun Potion...

This galette is the perfect summertime recipe! Filled with stone fruit, drizzled with Bio-Active Honey, and provides a blend of nourishing adaptogens and herbs in the Yin Power infused crust.

You can switch out nectaries for any other stone fruit of choice, or try with other fruits as the seasons allow. Finding inspiration at your local farmer's market is a great way to let your intuition guide you. Be present in the moment!

This sweet galette has its origins in Breton galettes, which were inspired by the infamous French crêpes. Unlike crêpes, Breton galettes are made traditionally with buckwheat flour rather than wheat flour. The most famous galette recipe is the galette bretonne, filled with emmental cheese, a slice of ham and topped with an egg!

We invite you to try this recipe by Iselin and to add your own favorite fillings as desired!

Spelt Galette with Nectarines, Orange and Nourishing Herbs



1 ½ cups wholemeal spelt flour

4 tbsp. coconut oil, room temperature (or butter or ghee)

4 tbsp. coconut sugar or raw sugar

½ tsp. Sun Potion Yin Power

½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. apple cider vinegar

⅓ tsp. vanilla



4 ripe nectarines, de-pitted and sliced

2 tbsp. coconut sugar

1 tsp. orange zest

1/2 tsp. cinnamon 


To serve

1 tbsp. Sun Potion Bio-Active Honey

Greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt




Have flour, sugar, salt and Yin Power blend in a large mixing bowl. 

Add coconut oil, vanilla, apple cider vinegar and water and mix well. I like to mix it up with a spoon, and then continue with my hands. You want a firm, slightly crumbly dough. Add more water if the mixture seems too dry, and more flour if it feels to wet. Using a food processor for this step also works well.

Refrigerate the dough for about an hour.

Roll the dough out into a large circle on a baking paper, using a rolling pin (wine bottle works well if you don’t have one).

Sprinkle one tbsp. of coconut sugar, orange zest and cinnamon on the crust, and then fill with nectarines, leaving about 2-3 cm free around the border. Sprinkle on the rest of the coconut sugar. 

Gently fold the edges up towards the middle. 

Bake the galette at 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) in the middle of the oven for about 30 minutes.

Serve with a spoonful of coconut yoghurt and a drizzle of Bio-Active Honey.