On this episode of the Highly Optimized Podcast, Ryan interviews the founder of Sun Potion, Scott Linde.
Ryan & Scott discuss Scott’s journey in life, how the busy-ness of daily life led Scott to live a minimalist lifestyle for 5 years where he lived on the barest amount of essentials possible, how giving himself that time to connect to himself led to the idea & manifestation of Sun Potion, what the benefits of interacting with wild herbs & plants can do for you & much, much more!
Ryan is the founder & co-owner of Highly Optimized. Highly Optimized is a company dedicated to helping its clients transform & become the conscious leaders the world is patiently awaiting.
He is also the host of the Highly Optimized Podcast, the This One Time On Psychedelics Podcast & is the co-creator of the Connect With Cannabis Program.
Ryan’s mission in life is helping his fellow brothers & sisters become empowered in their experience of being alive through 1 on 1 men’s coaching, plant medicine integration coaching & retreat experiences.
Connect with him on IG @therealryansprague & @highly.optimized for all the ways he can guide you in becoming the most empowered version of yourself, starting today.