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Creative Melissa Richards shares a beautifully simple and delicious recipe for homemade tortillas with Sun Potion Chlorella. Inspired by the tortillas her grandma would make when Melissa was young, we love how she has adapted this recipe by adding in Chlorella for its healing and detoxifying properties, and vibrant green hue! We recommend enjoying these tortillas with Melissa's Shiitake Mushroom Tacos using thyme, garlic, green onions, red pepper flakes, lemon juice and ghee. In Joy!

Hello SP community! It's been a while since we've chatted. The last time I wrote something on the blog, we had just begun lockdown in NYC. We all thought we were just getting a short vacation from the office, but, boy, were we wrong! Since the pandemic entered my life, I knew I had to cultivate new grounding rituals to keep myself entertained at home, & one of those turned into spending more time in my kitchen.

Last April, I lived the Brooklyn life with 6 other humans, but today I write to you from Charlotte, NC - now just with my partner and puppy by my side. It's been a ride of a year, and many changes had to be made. Old rituals had to be replaced by new ones. For me, one of the habits I picked up this year was learning to cook from home. You wouldn't believe it, but before COVID, I was usually on salad duty or made a pasta version over greens repeatedly. Sometimes I just wouldn't eat because I didn't know what to cook. Not a good option.

A few weeks ago, I had the idea of combining one of my favorite superfoods, Chlorella, with a classic Mexican tortilla that I so often remember eating in my grandma's kitchen. Why tortillas, you ask? I've always loved their versatility. They are great to cook with because they're cheap, tasty, & can be used in so many ways. One of my earliest memories is with my grandma in the kitchen. She is rolling up a corn tortilla she has just purchased in her barrio (the district) in Mexico City. Sprinkled with salt, she rolls it & places it into my little hand. With this tortilla, she would make all the classic Mexican dishes like quesadillas, flautas, tacos, but I never knew how to make them myself.

Years later, countless failed recipes, burned kitchenware, and eventually some delicious food, I can confidently say I am getting better at cooking. As a manifesting generator in human design, one thing that fills me up is knowledge & expansion. I follow many notable chefs on Instagram in the wellness space that I love to learn from (hello @sophiaroe @darkhorseorganic @feelsoft & @amychamplin.). If it wasn't for their content, support & unique online classes, I wouldn't have the confidence to teach you the recipe I am sharing with you today.

I used my tortillas to make some Shiitake Mushroom Tacos with Thyme, Garlic, Green Onions, Red Pepper Flakes, Lemon juice & Ghee. But if you're craving something gooey & easy to make, you can always go for a quesadilla. Just add cheese. Extra brownie points if you top it off with Chlorella infused guacamole. The greener the meal, the better for your health. Am I right?

We already know Mushrooms are extremely medicinal & healing for the body, but here are some benefits of the Shiitake Mushroom for those who are curious:

Benefits of Shiitake Mushroom

  • High in vitamins & minerals

  • Assist in boosting the immune system

  • Anti-inflammatory

Benefits of Chlorella

  • Aids in the detoxification of the bloodstream

  • Acts as an anti-oxidant

  • Works as a protein booster to any dish

  • Helps maintain good cholesterol

Benefits of eating food that makes you smile

  • Unexpected bursts of joy throughout your day

  • Random dance parties around the house

  • A beautiful aura around your physical self

Below is my Chlorella Tortilla recipe. Please take note that I did not invent this; humans have been infusing food for centuries! I hope this becomes a good intro into kitchen basics & a recipe that you'll hold near & dear forever.

Stay happy, healthy, & full.

With love,


Chlorella Tortillas


1 cup Masa Harina (Maize Flour)

1 cup hot water

1 tsp. Sun Potion Chlorella

½  tsp. of salt

A pinch of love



In a bowl, mix the Chlorella & flour. As you stir, slowly begin to add the water to your mixture.

Once everything is combined, your dough's consistency should be firm & kind of bouncy, not dry or sticky.

Wrap your dough in a damp, clean towel for an hour.

When time is up, roll your dough into two-inch balls. If you have a tortilla maker, you will place the dough balls in between two sheets of parchment paper & then in between the tortilla maker's plates.

Squeeze hard, et voila! You have a raw tortilla. If you don't have a tortilla maker, don't worry. Use two heavy books & parchment paper instead. It will create the same flattening effect.

Peel your tortilla off the parchment paper & place it on a griddle or pan to cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. The rest is up to you!



Try another of Melissa's recipes ~ Open Heart Morning Ritual with Anandamide Coffee and Magic Matcha


Melissa Richards

Melissa S. Richards is a creative and marketing consultant with a demonstrated history of work in the beauty-wellness and fitness industry. Her ability to operate a wide range of marketing roles has made her a trusted voice in the global wellness market. Some of her clients include The Sacred Space Miami, Sun Potion, Sakara Life, de la heart, & Dark Horse Organic. 

When she is not busy helping small brands creatively plan their digital marketing, you can find Melissa traveling, making art, practicing yoga, or cooking her favorite plant-based meals from home. She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, but you can find her bouncing monthly between Miami & NYC for client visits. Melissa's goal is to find a deep connection between what she loves & work. You can reach her at