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Dear Sun Potion — pine pollen

Transformational Foods for a Transformational Life

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Hey Sun Potion, I just had my second miscarriage in the last year. See I have a healthy four year old, and all the test have ruled out known fertility issues...

"...I should be able to have another child medically speaking especially since I have had one already. Something is going onthat the tests the doctors run are missing. Do you have anything that might help hormone balancing or fertility?" ... Hi there, thank you so much for reaching out to us here in this space and sharing. We would be happy to offer some recommendations, alongside a wonderful contact for a fertility herbalist that knows Sun Potion well, her name is Minka and can be reached for an appointment here. Some adaptogens and tonic herbs we recommend looking more into are: Pine Pollen, which may be great for both you and your partner to enjoy and wonderful to ask an herbalist about as it works to support dual-directional hormone support. Yin Power and also Cordyceps are wonderful to consider as well. 

Which of your potions help with hormonal fluctuations/Menopausal issues? Thank you! 🍃🙏🏼🍃

Adaptogens and tonic herbs are wonderful support for handling hormonal fluctuations and menopausal issues. While we are not herbalists, we recommend looking at some of the below and consulting an herbalist if possible or continue to research them and go with what is best for you. Some adaptogens + tonic herbs you can look into more for this are... Ashwagandha Astragalus Reishi Pine Pollen He Shou Wu Yin Power Additionally this article from Kiana Reeves is all about supporting pelvic health and shares some supportive techniques: RITUALS FOR PELVIC HEALTH


Hi there, we believe you are asking about the best adaptogens and tonic herbs to support testosterone. If so, we recommend looking further into Pine Pollen - a tonic herb providing dual-directional hormone support. Moringa is another great one to look into and tastes great in a green smoothie or Matcha! You could prepare a matcha latte and add Pine Pollen and Moringa for a morning tonic.

Hi, After delivering my baby a year ago, my skin has been completely changed due to the hormonal imbalance. Also with lack of sleep and tiredness...

"Im looking for something that could boost my energy as well as I wish my skin could go back to the way it was. Could you please advise?"... ... Skin health adaptogens...we can certainly advise! Our first recommendations for single ingredient products are: Pine Pollen (which may support skin health in relation to hormone imbalance), He Shou Wu (a tonic for the nervous system, skin and hair health) Pearl and also Reishi (to support stress, skin health and immunity). Additionally, Yin Power may be great for you! It contains hormone-supportive adaptogens like the ones listed above and more. You can start with our travel ally version if you'd like to see what you think or just go with something like Pine Pollen.  Here is a great tonic to try: Goji Berry Beauty Tonic by Rocio Graves on our Sun Potion journal!  

Hello! I’ve been suffering from cystic acne for years. It’s gotten slightly better, but I was wondering if you had a products that would help with my acne. Thank you!

Hi! We would be happy to provide some insight on adaptogens and tonic herbs for skin health, specifically dealing with acne. The list below are some products to check out that may support skin health, acne, radiance and overall well-being. The ones we suggest looking further into are: Ashwagandha - a staple of the Ayurvedic Medicine Cabinet, may be supportive for acne Reishi - a nervous system and immunity tonic that also works to nourish the skin Tocos (Jasmine or Classic) - Rice bran solubles that contain skin-nourishing properties, minerals and Vitamin E  Pine Pollen - may support hormonal acne and skin health White Dragon Matcha - Matcha contains high levels of anti-oxidants and minerals that work to support skin health and aging Ashitaba - A plant material that works to support skin health, reduces cell damage and increases blood circulation to the skin which may support acne Shea Butter - A wonderful (external) unrefined Shea to use for skin health when feeling super dry, to support after-sun skin care, eczema and other skin conditions A tonic to try would be a super-powered White Dragon Matcha potion You can try this recipe here and add any other adaptogens you'd like!

Hi there! I recently received my blood work and I’m very low testosterone and progesterone. I’m 34, female and have been seemingly exhausted lately. Any advice or elixirs would be much appreciate :)

Hi! I would be happy to recommend some products for you to support healthy hormone levels. I would look at: Green Adaptogen, Pine Pollen and Ashwagandha. You can combine these all or just start with one! Pine Pollen may be the best starting point, or Yin Power is an option too which contains Pine Pollen and other hormone supportive adaptogens. You can add one or more of these to coffee, tea, a blended tonic and h20. Hope this is helpful for you!