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Also by Naeemah Fletcher :


Naeemah Fletcher

My name is Naeemah Fletcher, I am a mother to an amazing teenager.  

I am a Philadelphia based health coach with a passion for living naturally, nourishing my body with plant based foods, traveling and all things health and wellness, including essential oils, herbs and adaptogens.  

I have a degree in literature but I have always had a love of food.  

Growing up I spent most summers in the South running around barefoot and eating food grown and prepared with love. This is where I learned to garden and really connect to my food. Some of my fondest memories as a child are related to food, family and spending time in the kitchen helping my mother and grandmother cook, bake and get ready for parties.  

I love helping people and being of service. My business is in perfect alignment with my passions. I am able to support my clients by coaching them in areas where they feel stuck. My local clients are able to purchase homemade plant-based items that are healthy and ready to enjoy so that making healthy choices becomes much easier for them.  

Taking care of my body is very important to me. My daily self care routine includes all the things that make me feel good, like moving my body, drinking herbal infusions, reading, mediating, journaling and eating seasonally from local farmer’s markets.